lunes, octubre 31, 2005

What's love without pain?

ahh, the Shanka squeezes. curses on meghan who invented the painful hug. but blessings too, cuz it's so wonderful. amen, but not the curses.
and my bulldogs lost. i cried.

viernes, octubre 28, 2005

life's just so darn random

so i was updating my personal info (yes, it is 1:18 in the morning...point??) and the offered random question of today is "what is the earliest time you got up to watch cartoons and what did you start with?" i would start at 630ish with "zoobilee zoo". it was such a weird show actually. these adults in animal costumes. i even remember the theme song (zoobilee zoo, zoobilee zoo, magic and wonder are waiting for you...gosh what a creepy kid i was!)
and later on that morning i would watch "reading rainbow". i loved, loved reading rainbow! i looked it up (on my fave online encyclopedia, of course) and it is actually STILL on the air! that made me so happy. i love that black guy! but you don't have to take my word for it! lol, good times.
and i liked transformers. they were so more than what met my eye. s. and teenage mutant ninja turtles. i wanted to date leonardo cause he had the blue bandanna. i love blue!
and gargoyles and batman and he-man and thunderkats.
and you have all your goofy stuff like the smurfs and my little pony and gummi beeaaarrrsss (bouncing here and there and everywhheerree) which were cool and all, but.....i guess i was more of a hard ass. a hard ass who wanted to date a turtle. and loved a reading show.


tonight was hostel night at the good ol' shelter jordaan. it was dutch night. and the customary flyer said that there would be dutch lessons. i was surely let down this night. but i'm not one to hold a grudge. beyond that, i think a good time was had by all. we ate potatoes and carrots and bacons all-in-one. hanne told me later that it was a spanish invention: apparently the spanish troops had the poor farmers trapped and unable to eat, so one day this little boy (always a kid, huh) went snooping in the enemy's camp and found it to be COMPLETELY EMPTY! except for a huge pot of mashed potatocarrotmeatballdstuff and he took it home and fed his entire village. the end.

so i'm alls excited bout some dawg/gator action tomorrow night! my beloved bulldogs shall be playing the hated gators in one of the finest college football rivalries there is. and for the title. the title!! oooh...intriguing! i've prayed for God to get me a ticket and a plane to go to jacksonville, florida tomorrow, but since He's obviously just not feeling me on this one, i'll settle for a listen over the internet. oh well. should still be a thriller. i'm so stoked!

s谩bado, octubre 22, 2005

a win...but at what cost?

is the question me and other (dramatic) bulldogs' fans are asking now as georgia barely pulls of its 23-20 win over arkansas. our qb (dj) may have twisted something in the 2nd quarter and he seems to be the one who pulled them through their recent victories. by the way, i got to see this game (live!!) via the internet. !! so excited! i have not seen football, let alone college football, in more than 2 years. !
oh man, i think i scared hanne cause i was screaming at the screen. i even surprised myself, but i guess 2 years of suppression would do that to just about anybody.

so yeah, i'm feelin' good, man.

i had a super time last night at the game night. i won a game of settlers (first ever win!!). but this didn't cost me anything, even though it made others lose.....sooo i guess i can't make my seemingly profound title relate to anything more than college football.

yes!!! we won!!!!!

mi茅rcoles, octubre 19, 2005

Revelation by Shankaleena

so I was watching tv today for the first time in...idk, a long freakin' time, and I stumbled across Hunter which was one of my favorite shows as a child (instead of, you know, smurfs or something) and I had a REVELATION!!! I know, revelation from an old cop show? But seriously, all the shows I like now are law/cop shows such as Law and Order, SVU, Matlock and Court TV (Yeah Nancy Grace!!) and I've discovered that it's all due to the fact that Hunter was more appealing to me than smurfs.
Tonight I got to do my most favoritest thing ever in life: BOWLING!!! duh, right? so um yeah, it was way fun! Freek is the AWESOMEST POSSUM EVER for paying for us (and by us i mean my twin (meghan) Ryan and Katya aka meghawoman, turbo, and katinator). So way good times, and I almost died (to use a oft-quoted ryan phrase) due to the fact that I was cycling Katya's bike back because these evil dudes flattened her tire and ryan can't cycle with another bike or he'll fall over and freek ditched us (which was understandable since he was almost home...but still...) and then Katya decided to bowl posts with meghan's legs and trash cans with her head as they cycled home and it was quite the adventure. we came back and Katya and I made the saweetest chocolate smoothieishthing that was the proverbial cherry on top of our sundae evening. and now I'm about to eat the pit as I head bedwards.
the end

are ya ready for some football???

ok ok ok, so i'm a sports nerd. not in the total fanatic sort of way where i paint myself black (lol) and red and bark and can rattle off player stats (as if i have nothing else better to do than to busy myself with unimportant and useless things...time to write now!).
but i'm a devoted fan, and have been known to lose my voice at a game. stupid, stupid referees!
anyhoo, so my beloved bulldogs are 4 and 0 conference and 6 and 0 all and now number 4 in the country. yay! we play (unrated) arkansas this weekend. oh would i love to get in a couple of games before this season is over. that would be pure sweetness.
hmm, what else? i had a wonderful time with hanne and michael (the lovelies who are letting me crash in their living room) at her parents' house yesterday.
i'm having a good time in amsterdam...i finds meself looking forward to athens, though. i think i'll have fun eating chinese buffet with my dad. i think it's time.

on a different note altogether
i was reading in my favorite online encyclopedia, and i learned that when a female has 3 x's (instead of 2) chromosomes, it makes her very tall and slender. and in amsterdam (XXX!) you find the tallest women. coincidence??

(okay, most likely)

s谩bado, octubre 15, 2005

the banana song

so Meghan just taught me a way cool song and Nynke her and I sang/danced it in the open mic night. sweet deal. you should've seen us going bananas. it lightened the mood greatly. then we sang a song (meghan and me, but she butchered it) and then I sang with Marco accompanying and it was saweet if i do say so myself. but of course, myself refers to the ghost blogger. ahh, I love throwing you for a loop! who is this for real? that's for me to know and you to...not find out.
in case you didn't know, that's an evil, sinister laugh.
picture Claw from Inspector Gadget.
next time gadget, next time. meow!

mi茅rcoles, octubre 12, 2005

I'm leaving on a jet plane...

don't know when I'll be back again...
So for serious: I have the money for a ticket and I really don't want to leave, but I know that I have to. Such a difficult decision to make! It's so hard to leave all the way cool people here because they are so much fun and they love me, but I have to do what God wants me to do so...I'm heading back to the States, for who knows how long? Hopefully I'll be able to come back here really soon!
I had another cafe shift today...I prefer reception so much, but with the new program I'd need to be trained and since I'm not staying...yeah. So bummer for cafe, but it wasn't bad cuz super duper awesome possum Meghan came right when it got busy this morning and saved the day! Also, I felt a little sick, so she attempted to make eggs (but I am waaaay better at it than she is. no worries, I love the girl!) so that was super terrific.
Well, my shift has ended and I have things to do so...adios!

viernes, octubre 07, 2005

Wow! 2 in a week!

So hopefully I will think of something exciting to tell you.
Oh! thought found!
this way cool girl named Meghan likes to do all my sudokos and it really annoys me. but she got me to read this superduper book called "the atonement child" by francine rivers and you should read it. her books rock. the end of that thought.
new thought!
i have a cool laugh. you should all try to be like me. suck.
i'm going to get my hair done now. meghan cut her own hair. she rocks. i wish i could be like her.

domingo, octubre 02, 2005

Welcome to the world o' blogging...

Hey there!
So I was convinced to do this only with the help of a ghost blogger. She'll (or he' never know) get on that later. But first, I must tell about my day. It was supa cool. I went to Spanish church, and those of you who know me, and the (unlucky...ha!) few who don't, know that I love me some Spanish speakin' folk. So I went and understood nothing. But it was good. Then I went to Da Dam where Victory Outreach Church were, incidentally, outreaching victoriously to those passers-by who
And then...
Now I'm at the Shelter were I was wonderfully loved by Katya's yummy homecooking. Feta burritos taste as lekker as they sound!
I'm fixin to go church now; I know, I'm very holy lol. But I really enjoy the worship there, so.
Yeah, I've got nothing.
Yesterday was a wonderful day as well. I went bowling cause Freek is a nice guy (yay!). I lost horribly, but that's okay. Later that evening I had a nice chat with Rose and a surprise phone call from Nick, a cool Scottish guy I was on staff with (back in 2003). It was so wonderful to hear from him...I've got like a perma-smile going on!
Anyhoo, I'm done for now. I hope that you all have a wonderful day!