miércoles, octubre 19, 2005

Revelation by Shankaleena

so I was watching tv today for the first time in...idk, a long freakin' time, and I stumbled across Hunter which was one of my favorite shows as a child (instead of, you know, smurfs or something) and I had a REVELATION!!! I know, revelation from an old cop show? But seriously, all the shows I like now are law/cop shows such as Law and Order, SVU, Matlock and Court TV (Yeah Nancy Grace!!) and I've discovered that it's all due to the fact that Hunter was more appealing to me than smurfs.
Tonight I got to do my most favoritest thing ever in life: BOWLING!!! duh, right? so um yeah, it was way fun! Freek is the AWESOMEST POSSUM EVER for paying for us (and by us i mean my twin (meghan) Ryan and Katya aka meghawoman, turbo, and katinator). So way good times, and I almost died (to use a oft-quoted ryan phrase) due to the fact that I was cycling Katya's bike back because these evil dudes flattened her tire and ryan can't cycle with another bike or he'll fall over and freek ditched us (which was understandable since he was almost home...but still...) and then Katya decided to bowl posts with meghan's legs and trash cans with her head as they cycled home and it was quite the adventure. we came back and Katya and I made the saweetest chocolate smoothieishthing that was the proverbial cherry on top of our sundae evening. and now I'm about to eat the pit as I head bedwards.
the end