viernes, octubre 07, 2005

Wow! 2 in a week!

So hopefully I will think of something exciting to tell you.
Oh! thought found!
this way cool girl named Meghan likes to do all my sudokos and it really annoys me. but she got me to read this superduper book called "the atonement child" by francine rivers and you should read it. her books rock. the end of that thought.
new thought!
i have a cool laugh. you should all try to be like me. suck.
i'm going to get my hair done now. meghan cut her own hair. she rocks. i wish i could be like her.


Blogger justmeghs's two cents are...

oh my goodness shanka! you love me! and i love you! and your laugh rocks. so we should be friends. what do you think?

7/10/05 08:42  
Blogger Sarah's two cents are...

Awwwww Shanka! I'm glad that we've both discovered the emo world of blogging. Now we can "communicate" again! You'll have to let me know when you'll be back in Athens. Maybe your being back in Athens and my being back in Athens will coincide one day. People there still ask about you and love you, ya know. You should spread the love. The Dutchies have hogged you enough!

8/10/05 02:27  

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