miércoles, septiembre 24, 2008

my faithful once a year blogging

ok, so i totally forgot that i had a blog, as evidenced by the huge gap in time since my last entry. a lot has happened since then. i've gracefully entered the big 2-7 and i'm still wondering what 'it' is and sure as hell can't wait to experience it! i think that whole biological clock theory that they like to scare career-minded gals (not at all like myself) is starting to tick loudly...i can't claim that it is ringing off the chain, but it's begun the process. neither here nor there!
i've officially come full circle as i'm again a student at the university of georgia (go dawgs!). i get the strangest looks when i mention that i was first here in '99, that i'm a good 10 yrs older than a great many of my fellow classmates. the stares of pure shock are initially painful, but then it's always (quickly and smoothly) followed by a "but you don't look that old at all". depending on my mood that's either a compliment or yet another reason to get that ak 47 and tower i've heard about...
but seriously, i love being in school. it took years for me to realize what subject i am passionate about studying; i love studying spanish and portuguese and italian. love it! i'm taking an arabic class too, which is just plain crazy, but i can read words even if i don't know what they mean, so that's kinda cool. gosh i hope i pass that class...lol
that's it for now. i'm studying italian and portuguese, but i got tired of it thus producing the blog you now read. quit enabling me!