miércoles, septiembre 06, 2006

glorificaré el Hijo

This is the beach at San Sebastian in northern Spain. It was so gorgeous! I had misplaced my original CD with my overseas pics, and when I visited Tae last weekend, I discovered that I had actually downloaded them onto her computer. Yay smart, 1-year-ago-me!
This past weekend was pure awesomeness. The roommies and I went to H2O on Friday night then drove to Lake Hartwell. Ben came and joined us that Saturday afternoon. I really enjoyed being in the boat and sleeping in a camper for the very first time (yeah, I don't get out that often). And the company wasn't that bad, truth be told. But you know me...I was going through Shanka withdrawals by the end of the weekend, and I got all grumpy and testy. I got to spend the majority of Monday all to myself, so I'm almost back to normal. Whatever that is.
I've been reading Dr. Phil's book "Life Strategies." Being the kind of thinker that I am (that I can have common sense knowledge of something that doesn't become real to me until it is experienced/realized), I finally had an epiphany that goal setting is a good thing.
Life is so beautifully precious and should be lived to the fullest. I don't want to have any regrets; I never want to be one of those people who wished they had said that thing they'd wished they'd said or had done that thing or seen that thing. I pray that I will not waste time acting a certain way or thinking certain things but in all things do for the glory of Jesus. I was just thinking how wonderfully blessed I was to spend years of my life being somewhere that I never thought I could go. That I'm able to strum a guitar and carry a tune (lol) and speak a language (and hunger to speak more!) and be the wonderfully creative being that God created me to be. He's so great.
So, the goals that I want to acheive:
1. Send my mom an awesome package of goodies to show that I love her.
2. Spend more time with my siblings and sobrinos and tios and show God's love to them.
3. Get healthier.
4. Have a really big afro. Eventually a red or a light brown afro; I don't know yet.
5. Write a novella. I've started about 10 stories.
6. Visit New Zealand and maybe Australia. I have always wanted to visit New Zealand, but I never knew why.
7. Write a cool song. Again, I've started a ton, but never one that I was pleased with. Maybe I just need to collaborate with someone.
8. Discern God's good, pleasing, and perfect will for my life.
9. Pray like crazy that it includes a fabulous guy and super kids!
I think that's all for now. You have your perennial faves such as "road trip usa (and the world)" and "be the bass playing/drumming cool girl of a band". But I figured those were a given. Posted by Picasa