domingo, enero 29, 2006

'una cosa graciosa' happened on the way home the other night...

my friend pam is happily working as a delivery person for papa johns pizza (oh yeah, 50% off, baby!). now, pam has always been a stalker. so now armed with personal info of law-abiding citizens, man, i don't know. so she told me of a spanish speaking gent she delivered pizza to around 1 am one night who lives within walking distance of my house, and this makes us both quite excited cause i love to practice my spanish at any chance i get, and being the good friend she, she likes to share in my joy. so we decided one night, just in the moment, to go to his house and say hello. or "hola". you know. and by this time it's about 9 ish, 10 ish pm, so, i'm secretly wondering if we're finally about to share a cell block. cause with our adventures, it seems to be a likely scenario. we work up the nerve to actually go and knock on a perfect stranger's door. and his girlfriend (dari) answers the door. pam and i kind of look at each other. i'm praying that this woman doesn't have a shot gun in her hand. she says "i'm always in my pajamas when you guys come." pam and i look at each other again. i mean, we weren't carrying a pizza or anything, but we smiled and nodded anyway. i tell her my story. you know, that my friend delivered a pizza to your home and came and told me where you lived. i tell her that i love spanish and want to meet other spanish speakers. she calls her boyfriend (aron) to the front door, and for a glorious 10 to about 15 minutes, we chatted it up in spanish. pam and dari chatted in english. it was so wonderful! they suggested i go to tasty world on saturday nights where they have salsa dancing. we got in the car and just cracked up. the things i get into while with her!
i met a spanish professor in the grill (a 60's type cafe in downtown athens. a must-see, eat if you ever visit) about 3 weeks back. well, i eavesdropped on a conversation the professor was having in the grill about 3 weeks back. he gave me the email address of a guy who leads up a conversation hour with english and spanish speakers. i'm very excited about being a part of that.
my boss' boss is a skinny guy from cuba. i haven't had many conversations with him (i hardly see him), but he seems like a very nice guy and his coworkers seem to have nothing but good things to say of him. there was a "soul food" lunch this past friday, and i wasn't sure if i was invited (after all, i'm a lowly temp!) but he invited me and even had someone cover a part of my reception shift so that i could at least grab a bite to eat. he spoke to me in spanish and introduced me to everyone in the department, saying how they should feel free to speak to me in spanish. some of the ladies said that "we should talk" as there may be possibilities to work in a different department (but as a permanent worker! yay!). lora, my boss whom i really do adore, said she would help me with my resume and with finding a real job. my christian coworker veronica said "see? i told you things would work out."
life's just been 'dulce', no?

martes, enero 24, 2006


guess who is no longer jobless?
oh yes, that would be me!
what have i always wanted to do?
be a secretary
what is my job?
secretary for the board of education

ok, enough of the q&a.
i'm working full time mon-fri and it's so great! the ladies like me (already invited me out for lunch! score!) and my boss's boss does the only problem is that the lady i'm replacing is sick and we need to pray for her to get better, but then when she gets better i'm jobless again. a paradox of sorts.

my girl Jen from Australia was in Amsterdam the other day missing me and my singing voice (so i've been told) and so i'd like to let her know that i am singing the choir! it's great fun, especially cuz there's a lady in the choir who speaks spanish and is also alto. so we've been getting along great, but the only problem is she's super busy with her 3 teens.

ooooooooooooh! guess what? my dear barbara's coming to the states, woohoo! i'm so excited; i've got my excited pants on. hopefully i'll be able to visit her...perhaps with the help of wendy's...

oh, one more bit of exciting new...we now have furniture! it's nice to have places to sit and sleep and eat off that aren't the floor. ok, it wasn't that bad, but new furniture is a very good thing.

viernes, enero 13, 2006

here no job, there no job, everywhere no job, job

so today was a day of interviews. i went to holiday inn (i really want to be a receptionist of some sort, either in an office or a hotel. well, i guess there really aren't receptionists in other places, huh?). anyway, i wanted to work at the new hilton downtown that opens in a couple of months. so i was really excited when i got an interview. i was dressed very cute-ly in mostly pink, and since it was cold out, i got to wear the pink overcoat of tiffany's that i love so much and striped scarf. i went in and sat for a while since the person i was supposed to meet with was having an interview with another person. she told me to wait and asked if i was cold earlier, but not in a nice, funny way, but in a "you idiot, why are you wearing a scarf?" kind of way. in the phone call i had with her for discussing an interview opportunity, she was very short with her answers and how she spoke; i assumed she was stressed and busy and probably dealt with a million applicants already, so i let it go as such. but since her demeanor was exactly the same during the actual interview, i really wasn't sure what to make of it. she demanded to know what i did that day, what i was going to do for the rest of the day, why i hadn't researched being a receptionist, why i left my last job, why i hadn't applied at my old job, why i hadn't researched the new location of the old job that i thought was out of business since it wasn't in it's place anymore, and said if she'd decided on a second interview, she'd call me. i smiled and remained courteous throughout the entire 10 minute (it takes me 15 just to get there!!) interview. but i was just uncomfortable the entire time. which really sucks, cause i actually wanted to work there.
luckily for me, i maintained my composure until i got in the car, and even maintained until i got to my friends pam and cat's place. also luckily for me cat was home. i finally broke down into tears when i plopped on her couch. we both kinda hoped that she was pretending to be like an irate client and wanted to see how i'd handle that. we both kinda doubted that, though, but you never know. maybe there is a phone call from suntrust on my answering machine. hopefully it'll be good news.

jueves, enero 12, 2006

pps on the free flight

did i ever say that pammalamma found like 100 cups on her way home to quitman (south south georgia)? we totally now have 2 round trip tickets, and she even had enough for a third. yay!


i have no money and am going to a million and four interviews. no esther and phil wedding for shanka and pam. aww.

i wonder where we'll go. i'm taking suggestions. only in the continental 50, though. if we decide to choose your location, you'll receive a prize!

lunes, enero 09, 2006

my day today

the funniest thing just happened:
we (pam and i) decided to go to this massive student learning building on campus so that we could use their computers, since our roommates decided to take their laptops with them (how dare they!!). and the parking spot we find is right next to this huge white truck that's kinda doing this diagonal parking thing. we both look at it and pam says "i hope he doesn't hit me" and then i say "you know what we should do?" then at the same time we say "write down his license number." then we laugh. and i'm holding a blank envelope of hers, and for whatever reason, we both say "what are you doin'?" at the same time. i don't even remember why i said that, but it was really funny. then i say "maybe i'll take a picture." so we get out and i says to pam i says "you should get in the picture" and we both did. so we're on the ground behind this truck taking pictures of this guy's license plate, then all of a sudden, we hear a engine start, and it sounds just like the truck. in the span of about 2 seconds, we jump up (well, i jump up cause i was squatting, but pam was sitting, so she kind of rolled over the asphalt) out of the way. then we notice a car right across from where we parked had started and was slowly backing up. i'm telling you, that was like the funniest thing, cause we thought we were about to get backed up on, but you really had to be there cause words don't really do the story justice.
in any case, today was a good day. i even got to get some bikeage in. it was sweet.

martes, enero 03, 2006

random stuffs

omg, so i'm sitting in the quite busy athens-clarke county library reading the comments on my various posts, and trying very hard not to crack up. seriously, you guys know me: it's very hard not to laugh aloud!
thanks rawin for your number. i'm glad to know you care (aww!).
and meghawoman, i hope you had a blast (haha, i'm funny even when i'm not trying to be!!) at dam square. last year kathrin and i danced it up at the dwaze zaken. it was cool.
i'm trying to kill time before i catch the bus back home. i went to randstad (a dutch organization, so i've learned..the recruiter saw amsterdam on my resume and was like surely you've heard of us! i was like, um sure). i have an appointment with them tomorrow at 930 am. i had to be prepared for a 2 to 3 hour interview full of tests and essays galore. i'm so stoked! lol
ugh, those freaking bulldogs! i watched and later listened to them lose to west virginia in the sugar bowl last night (the game didn't end till like after midnight! all that precious time wasted!!). it was an exciting game though...but it would have been cooler had we won. oh well. someone at the game party we went to said that west virginia and virginia should just merge. i asked, "do you mean the states?" he said yeah. i thought that was funny. sorry to the tall pretty violin player whose name i can't remember who i think is from west virginia! lol

oh crap, what's her name?? someone help me out. really long hair, freckles, nice smile, sang with marco that time, should be finished working at the shelter by now.