domingo, enero 29, 2006

'una cosa graciosa' happened on the way home the other night...

my friend pam is happily working as a delivery person for papa johns pizza (oh yeah, 50% off, baby!). now, pam has always been a stalker. so now armed with personal info of law-abiding citizens, man, i don't know. so she told me of a spanish speaking gent she delivered pizza to around 1 am one night who lives within walking distance of my house, and this makes us both quite excited cause i love to practice my spanish at any chance i get, and being the good friend she, she likes to share in my joy. so we decided one night, just in the moment, to go to his house and say hello. or "hola". you know. and by this time it's about 9 ish, 10 ish pm, so, i'm secretly wondering if we're finally about to share a cell block. cause with our adventures, it seems to be a likely scenario. we work up the nerve to actually go and knock on a perfect stranger's door. and his girlfriend (dari) answers the door. pam and i kind of look at each other. i'm praying that this woman doesn't have a shot gun in her hand. she says "i'm always in my pajamas when you guys come." pam and i look at each other again. i mean, we weren't carrying a pizza or anything, but we smiled and nodded anyway. i tell her my story. you know, that my friend delivered a pizza to your home and came and told me where you lived. i tell her that i love spanish and want to meet other spanish speakers. she calls her boyfriend (aron) to the front door, and for a glorious 10 to about 15 minutes, we chatted it up in spanish. pam and dari chatted in english. it was so wonderful! they suggested i go to tasty world on saturday nights where they have salsa dancing. we got in the car and just cracked up. the things i get into while with her!
i met a spanish professor in the grill (a 60's type cafe in downtown athens. a must-see, eat if you ever visit) about 3 weeks back. well, i eavesdropped on a conversation the professor was having in the grill about 3 weeks back. he gave me the email address of a guy who leads up a conversation hour with english and spanish speakers. i'm very excited about being a part of that.
my boss' boss is a skinny guy from cuba. i haven't had many conversations with him (i hardly see him), but he seems like a very nice guy and his coworkers seem to have nothing but good things to say of him. there was a "soul food" lunch this past friday, and i wasn't sure if i was invited (after all, i'm a lowly temp!) but he invited me and even had someone cover a part of my reception shift so that i could at least grab a bite to eat. he spoke to me in spanish and introduced me to everyone in the department, saying how they should feel free to speak to me in spanish. some of the ladies said that "we should talk" as there may be possibilities to work in a different department (but as a permanent worker! yay!). lora, my boss whom i really do adore, said she would help me with my resume and with finding a real job. my christian coworker veronica said "see? i told you things would work out."
life's just been 'dulce', no?


Blogger justmeghs's two cents are...

how exciting! this is so wonderful to hear my dear :)

31/1/06 16:44  

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