lunes, enero 09, 2006

my day today

the funniest thing just happened:
we (pam and i) decided to go to this massive student learning building on campus so that we could use their computers, since our roommates decided to take their laptops with them (how dare they!!). and the parking spot we find is right next to this huge white truck that's kinda doing this diagonal parking thing. we both look at it and pam says "i hope he doesn't hit me" and then i say "you know what we should do?" then at the same time we say "write down his license number." then we laugh. and i'm holding a blank envelope of hers, and for whatever reason, we both say "what are you doin'?" at the same time. i don't even remember why i said that, but it was really funny. then i say "maybe i'll take a picture." so we get out and i says to pam i says "you should get in the picture" and we both did. so we're on the ground behind this truck taking pictures of this guy's license plate, then all of a sudden, we hear a engine start, and it sounds just like the truck. in the span of about 2 seconds, we jump up (well, i jump up cause i was squatting, but pam was sitting, so she kind of rolled over the asphalt) out of the way. then we notice a car right across from where we parked had started and was slowly backing up. i'm telling you, that was like the funniest thing, cause we thought we were about to get backed up on, but you really had to be there cause words don't really do the story justice.
in any case, today was a good day. i even got to get some bikeage in. it was sweet.