viernes, enero 13, 2006

here no job, there no job, everywhere no job, job

so today was a day of interviews. i went to holiday inn (i really want to be a receptionist of some sort, either in an office or a hotel. well, i guess there really aren't receptionists in other places, huh?). anyway, i wanted to work at the new hilton downtown that opens in a couple of months. so i was really excited when i got an interview. i was dressed very cute-ly in mostly pink, and since it was cold out, i got to wear the pink overcoat of tiffany's that i love so much and striped scarf. i went in and sat for a while since the person i was supposed to meet with was having an interview with another person. she told me to wait and asked if i was cold earlier, but not in a nice, funny way, but in a "you idiot, why are you wearing a scarf?" kind of way. in the phone call i had with her for discussing an interview opportunity, she was very short with her answers and how she spoke; i assumed she was stressed and busy and probably dealt with a million applicants already, so i let it go as such. but since her demeanor was exactly the same during the actual interview, i really wasn't sure what to make of it. she demanded to know what i did that day, what i was going to do for the rest of the day, why i hadn't researched being a receptionist, why i left my last job, why i hadn't applied at my old job, why i hadn't researched the new location of the old job that i thought was out of business since it wasn't in it's place anymore, and said if she'd decided on a second interview, she'd call me. i smiled and remained courteous throughout the entire 10 minute (it takes me 15 just to get there!!) interview. but i was just uncomfortable the entire time. which really sucks, cause i actually wanted to work there.
luckily for me, i maintained my composure until i got in the car, and even maintained until i got to my friends pam and cat's place. also luckily for me cat was home. i finally broke down into tears when i plopped on her couch. we both kinda hoped that she was pretending to be like an irate client and wanted to see how i'd handle that. we both kinda doubted that, though, but you never know. maybe there is a phone call from suntrust on my answering machine. hopefully it'll be good news.


Anonymous Anónimo's two cents are...

Hey Shanka, what's up? Where are time to read through all your blogs, but I skimmed some, and got totally confused. I miss you and just wanted to say hola from Philly...come visit!! --Tate

16/1/06 17:38  
Blogger justmeghs's two cents are...

hey twin,
i consulted your ghost blogger and was informed that if you wish said ghost blogger to ghost again an email must be received first.
sorry, i tried to negotiate, but that's the best deal i could come up with
i'm praying you get a job soon!

18/1/06 06:57  

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