sábado, febrero 04, 2006

my, how quickly the times are a-changing...

so a minute ago (but not really) i was hurting for a job, sad and depressed that no one thought i was good enough for their stupid places of employment. now i'm in the uncomfortable position of being offered two jobs and not knowing which to choose. ah, to be pursued is a grand feeling! lol but i hate making big decisions.
will it be...
bachelor #1...a full time teller position at a nationally recognized bank? where salary and benefits are much more than i've ever received, where i get on great with the manager, where i have the chance of tuition reimbursement if i ever decide to put myself through the torture of formal education ever again, where i've never thought i'd be something-enough to work (smart, classy, whateva). cons: where i may not like it so much cause i'd have to learn so much, where i can expect promotion in a year's time, where my coworkers may not be as cool, where some jerk may be bold enough to rob me, where somebody might shoot in my general vicinity.
or bachelor #2...a full time permanent receptionist position in the school district? where i'm actually considered "temporary" only in the sense that i'd be promoted almost immediately, where i'd work with little spanish speaking kids, where i've already had time to thoroughly enjoy my coworkers, where someone told me for the first time in my professional career that i in particular was wanted and would be hired immediately, where i'd have first shots at choice positions that would come up simply because my foot's already in the door. cons: possible pay cut in receptionist position (but would rise once i'm out of it, so this con balances out, but still for a little while..), where it would put me in a position to have to say "no" to the bank that i've already said "yes" to. that is all. you'd think it'd be an easy decision, but that last con is actually worth about 3 cons.
so that's 4 pros/5 cons to 5 pros/3 cons.
and the winner is (drumroll please...)...tune in this monday or tuesday for the exciting conclusion!


Blogger justmeghs's two cents are...

oh, i hope it's the school one. it seems more you. but keep us updated. also, i love your hair.

7/2/06 16:45  
Blogger Sarah's two cents are...

HEY. YOU NEVER INFORMED THE WORLD. WHERE ARE YOU WORKING?! Are you in the choir now? Ooooh, I'm so jealous. I miss those Cole-type people.

16/2/06 13:29  

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