many a wintry splendour...please don't ask
(i like big heads and i cannot other brothas can't deny)

we played taboo. we ate brownies. we slept. we got to meet the neighbor shannon. he wanted to know who the people rolling down his hill were. we built a big headed snowwoman with a baby. we got lazy and cold and decided she was sinking in quicksand rather than make her some legs. we had a snowball fight. we ate mamma norman's good cookin'. on sunday we went sledding down the BIG hill. we (meaning i) got whiplash or something and my butt still hurts. we decided to build an igloo. i think you know who the "we" are. we made a foundation. we got no farther.
we drove towards athens and tricked cat into thinking we were ahead of her. we stopped in boiling "springs", south carolina. the word springs was in quotation marks on the big green government sign. we laughed. we found a playground and played.

i start my receptionist job on monday. i'm so stoked! all the spanish and the kids and the spanish speaking kids! *smiling happy shanka*
barbara and jon finally found me on myspace. yay! i would love to see them both so very much. and george and barbara and tate and jefta and phil and esther too. aww. so many cool people in the states that i never would have met if not for the SHELTER EXPERIENCE. it was good stuff.
(that stupid metric system's gonna ruin us all!!!...heeey, wait a minute!)
OR ("i'm 6 foot 5" whateva!...just like a guy to lie about his height.) so hard to choose!