martes, mayo 30, 2006

good stuffs

so my weekend was nice. on thursday we went to ashley's graduation. made her laugh while she was with her class; it was great! saw some very cute barely legal hotties. stayed up til freakin' 2 in the morning playing cards at her house. seriously though, so much fun! pam left the next day, but not before we and leanne went to moe's. i don't really remember what i did on friday and saturday, but on sunday leanne and i went to cracker barrel and had breakfast (mmm strawberry very good), then we went to church. we talked about our mission here, how we are to invade the darkness. it was cool. i've been reading this book called "he came to set the captives free" all about spiritual warfare. so it's been interesting to study that same topic at church.
i then had my VERY BIG TALK (lol) with the person i was angry with all week. i have no idea why i was so was totally chill and we even hugged afterward. made me feel a whole lot better!
then we went to join alicia and her family and friends at lake hartwell. it's about an hour drive. you know (well, you might not know) that i love long car rides. it was a beautiful day, and i went on my very first sea doo ride. was scared crapless, let me tell ya. but after the initial eyes-squeezed-shut-head-buried-in-stranger's-back-shock of it all, i really quite enjoyed it. leanne asked me later what my fave part was, and i said that was because that was the first time i'd done that. so shanka 1, lame fear of drowning and being sucked up into a sea doo, 0.
let's see, what else? oh, i contemplated calling in sick, cause we actually had to work on memorial day, and i would have loved to stay at the lake with everyone. but i wasn't sick and felt guilty about doing that. then i woke up that next morning with a sore throat, fever, and aches all over. i worked for a good whole hour, and called leanne to come get me. i slept in today, too. my body was sooo tired! it was nice; i don't think i woke up till about 3. oh! and celeste called me that morning (luckily i skipped work) and we talked. then she called back later that evening and i spoke with auntie and randy and theresa. i don't even remember the last time i spoke to her!
all in all, good times.
ps, want to hear (read, whatever) something incredibly sad? i'm on disc 1, season 9 of friends. when did i start this? well, alicia's been with us since 1 april, so a little while after that. i've done the impossible: crammed into less than 2 months what took 9 years to create. marvelous!

martes, mayo 16, 2006

a whole year older, but just one day wiser

so this morning at 5 something, i turned 25 years old. isn't that just crazy? i've only got 2 more years to get it all sorted out! lol
i share a birthday with one of the custodians here, ms lady. she's so funny! one of the other ladies, ms renee, gave her a birthday whack, and before i knew it, these two sweet older ladies were on the floor! it was soo funny! we all just laughed; you really just had to be there. i got her a balloon with a cupcake (thank God that kroger's is open at 720am!), and when i walked in she said "aw, that's for me, ain't it?" i smiled and said "why yes, yes it is." but she thought it was a present for me but it was really for her...that was also funny, but you probably also had to be here. anyway.
i'm about to be treated to lunch now, my choice. i'm excited!

viernes, mayo 12, 2006

kids are so friggin' cute!

a mom and her 3 year old son came in today to see one of the ladies here. the little boy came around my desk and said "that's the nurse! she look like the nurse!" when she came up to get them (cause it is soo complicated to get to her office; i'm not even sure how to get there, let alone give someone directions!), he asked her, "are you the nurse?" she smiled and said, "no, i'm miss amy. what's your name?" he smiled and said, "i'm miss jamir."
it was the cutest thing!

lunes, mayo 01, 2006

my fantabulous weekend

this weekend was great! on friday, i had a lazy day at work since most of the students had a car wash and i didn’t get many calls. so i read a lot more from my books (beloved, captivating, and the canterbury tales; i plan on starting the davinci code very soon cause i want to read it before i see the movie.) for secretary’s day i received a gift card to a store! so i went shopping during my lunch break with mary, the lady who used to be the receptionist here. that was fun, and i found cute stuff (that i would have never chosen to wear for myself!). then i went to her house to babysit (lol) her 14 yr. old son since she had dinner plans and he wanted his girlfriend over. i got free chinese out of the deal, and it lasted for 4 meals!
then later on that night, we (me, pam, cat, sarah f., leanne, and ben) went to a gay bar (another lol) to hear a band play. i forget their name (well, i actually never knew it), but i liked them cause their instrumentals were really loud. i couldn’t hear the vocalist, so i’d like to hear him one day, but i did say “hi” to him before he went onstage, and it was good.
then pam and sarah went dumpster diving, and i like to ride so i went with them. i promptly fell asleep in the car and woke up at 230 ish cause they’d just dropped me off at home.
then i got up at 930 ish to return the clothes that i couldn’t fit (cause i didn’t have a lot of time to try clothes on when we’d gone the day before), and got ready for lenore and nathan’s wedding at 2. it was sweet. i cried. lenore looked beautiful! we ate, we partied, we took pictures with the bride. it was nice. i saw a lot of old faces, such as keisha and linda and shirley. that was cool. then we got home around 6. there was a demonstration for the invisible children of uganda at georgia tech in atlanta that i, leanne, pam, and shawan went to. we slept in a park, about 400 of us, playing music and writing letters to bush and the senators to do something about it. it was cool. i’d forgotten that i have allergies, apparently, and woke up with my nose in the grass and unable to breathe. it was great! someone with a dog named tank saved me from blowing my nose into my sweater. i truly thank him.
we had to wake up at 630 that we may take a picture in the golden sunlight. we waited until 7. there was no sunlight, but we took a picture anyway. when it’s published, you may find me about 6 people over next to the atlanta sign in the nighttime shot and underneath the “n” in atlanta in the daytime picture. they kept coming over to me, what can i say?
we got back to athens around 830. leanne took a shower and brushed her teeth and did her hair. shanka got chinese food and watched the incredibles (one of my fave movies). we got to church and it was nice. we had a speaker named ken houts on our breakthrough sunday. he’s funny. we had lunch (charlie made some amazing food!) and there were about 20 people who showed up. that was sweet. then we went back to church for the conference. i really enjoyed that. his message was that we are a miracles waiting to happen in someone’s life, and if we hunger for God and His purposes, He’d gladly use us to impact others. his advice? go up to someone and say “hi, my name is shanka. i am a wonderful, loveable, likeable person.” but not in a prideful way. just in a psalms 139 way. if we are indeed fearfully and wonderfully made, then we should be so very confident and expectant of God’s working hand in us. so yeah, i liked it.
then, what else? we went home and watched “friends”. you know how we do. alicia had made it home by then, and we invited shelby over, and i fell asleep before she got there, and woke up at 230 this morning on the floor in the living room (so i’ve gone almost 2 nights without sleeping in my bed!).and this week is just going to get sweeter! i’m finally cleaning my room tonight, we have a softball game this tuesday, i don’t have choir practice this wednesday since it’ll be youth sunday (though i love practice), i should hopefully finally get paid this thursday, i may either go to a dance party or see b. reith in tennessee this friday, and saturday will be our super cool birthday blowout bash. i’m excited!